
Science and the Bible Parent Conference

Doe River Gorge Christian Camp

220 Doe River Gorge Rd, Hampton, Tennessee  37658

January 27, 2024, 9:30-11:30am

Relevance of Creation; Does the Fossil Record Support the Theory of Evolution?


Senior Adults Bible Study: Creation

Grace Fellowship Church 

2314 South Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604

Wednesdays, 9:30 AM, September 13 - November 15, 2023

Relevance of Biblical Creation, J. Gardner, September 13, 2023

The Puzzle of the Plateau. The Grand Circle and the Grand Canyon, J. Gardner, September 20, 2023

Fossils: Rock-Solid Evidence Against Evolution, S. Falling, September 27, 2023


Complexity of the Human Body, J. Denton, October 4, 2023


Dinosaurs and Dragons, J. Gardner, October 11, 2023

Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth, A. White, October 18, 2023

Could Life Have Evolved by Chance, A. White, November 1, 2023

Ask the Animals, M. Maughon, November 8, 2023


Cellular Complexity: Evidence of Creation, S. Falling.  How Do We Know that the Bible is True? J. Gardner, November 15, 2023.


Biblical Perspectives on Modern Scientific Discoveries

Dr. Alan White Webcast Lecture Series (2021)

  The History of the World and Why It Matters

  The Wonder of the Stars, Part 1

  The Wonder of the Stars, Part 2

   Origin of Life, Part 1

  Origin of Life, Part 2

   DNA-The Instruction Book for Life

  Did Human Life Originate by Creation or Evolution?

  Dinosaurs, Part 1

   Dinosaurs, Part 2   

  Global Flood, Part 1

  Global Flood, Part 2


Creation, Science and the Bible Retreat

Doe River Gorge, Hampton, Tennessee

October 28-20, 2021

21 Verses Backed by Science

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 28, 2021.

The Heavens Declare

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.

Refuting the Evolution of Birds from Dinosaurs

Presentation by Dr. Charles Jackson at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.

Caves and Rocks

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.

Exploring Creation

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.

Junk DNA Isn't

Presentation by Dr. Charles Jackson at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.

Why I'm Not an Atheist

Presentation by Steven Warhurst at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 28, 2021

Christian Worldview Education

Presentation by Dean Walker at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 28, 2021

Geological Tour of the Doe River Gorge

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. Oct. 29, 2021.


Creation, Science and the Bible Retreat

Doe River Gorge, Hampton, Tennessee

September 29 - October 1, 2022

Wonders Without Numbers

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 29, 2022.

Incredible Creatures

Presentation by Dr. Jobe Martin at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 29, 2022.

Dinosaurs and Dragons

Presentation by Dr. Charles Jackson at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 29, 2022.

The Evolution of a Creationist

Presentation by Dr. Jobe Martin at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 30, 2022.

God’s Creation in Concert

Concert by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 30, 2022.

You Are Not a Monkey

Presentation by Dr. Charles Jackson at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. September 30, 2022.

Mutualism and Symbiosis: Astounding Evidence for Special Creation

Presentation by Dr. Jobe Martin at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 1, 2022.

Wonders Center and Science Museum

Presentation by David Rives at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 1, 2022.

Design in Birds

Presentation by Michael Maughon at the Creation Retreat at Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN. October 1, 2022.

© Canopy Ministries 2024