Cornerstone Christian Academy, 16210 Elementary Drive Abingdon, Virginia 24210
Monday, December 9, 2013
10:00 AM Fossils--Compelling Evidence for the Flood, Dr. Steve Falling
11:00 AM The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, Dr. Alan White
Highland Baptist Church, 300 Highland Church Road, Johnson City, Tennessee 37615
Sunday, November 24, 2013 -- Dr. Alan White
10:30 AM Should We Be Concerned About Global Warming?
6:00 PM Why I Believe the Earth Is Young
Answers Conference with Jim Gardner
New Covenant Presbyterian, 3072 Savannah East Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958
November 16-17, 2013
Saturday, November 16
5:00 PM Join us for dinner
6:00 PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures!
Sunday, November 17
9:00 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons-Fact or Myth?
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
5:00 PM Video
5:30 PM Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:30 PM Break
7:30 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man!
Immanuel Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Conference, 210 Weatherly Rd., Hattiesburg, Mississippi
November 2-3, 2013 -- James Gardner
November 2, 2013
6:00 pm Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures?
November 3, 2013
9:15 am Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
10:30 am The Consequences of the Path You Choose
5:00 pm Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:30 pm The Mystery of Ancient Man!
City Light Church, Answers In Genesis Event with James Gardner, 282 Old River Road
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702
October 26-27, 2013 -- James Gardner
Saturday October 26th
6:00PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
7:30PM One Blood-The Biblical Answer to Racism
Sunday October 27th
9:30AM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth?
11:00AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
12:30PM Join us for Lunch
1:30PM Six Days or Millions of Years-Why Question Biblical Authority?
Doe River Gorge, Fall Family Fun Day 2013, Hampton, Tennessee
Sunday, October 20, 2013
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Zion Mennonite Church, Answers in Genesis Event, 208 Hespeler Ave. E., Schanzenfeld, Manitoba
October 11-13, 2013
Friday, October 11 -- James Gardner
7:00 PM Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Saturday, October 12 -- James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs and Dragons- a fact or a myth?
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path you Choose!
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Adversaries - The Rebels in the Garden
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
Sunday, October 13
9:30 AM The Mystery of Ancient Man! -- Jim Gardner
10:40 AM
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Six Days or Millions of years - Why Question Biblical Authority? -- Jim Gardner
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM
Pleasantview Baptist Church, 4400 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, Texas
September 29-30, 2013 -- James Gardner
September 29, 2013
5:00 pm Join us for dinner
6:00 pm Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures?
September 30, 2013
9:15 am Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
10:15 am The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 pm Why Question Biblical Authority?
Answers In Genesis Event with James Gardner, Fairbanks, Alaska
September 21-23, 2013
Saturday 9-21-2013 University of Alaska Fairbanks Lecture Hall
1:00PM Fossils Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
7:00PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Sunday 9-22-2013 Bible Baptist Church, 32 Adak Ave., Fairbanks
8:30AM The Relevance of Creation
10:00AM The Mystery of Ancient Man
11:00AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
McGrath Road Baptist Church, 1100 McGrath Rd, Fairbanks
6:00PM Six Days or Millions of Years??
Monday 9-23-2013 Bible Baptist Church, 32 Adak Ave., Fairbanks, 907-452-1407
10:00AM Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
Johnson City Alliance Church, Answers in Genesis Event, 2837 Boones Creek Road, Johnson City, Tennessee
Sunday, September 15, 2013 -- James Gardner
9:30 AM Adult Sunday School: Adversaries - The Rebels in the Garden
10:30 AM The Consequences of the Path you Choose!
7:00 PM Why Question Biblical Authority?
Answers Conference with James Gardner, Coastal Community Church
7721 Alexander Road, Wilmington, North Carolina 28411
September 7-8, 2013 -- James Gardner
9:15 am Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
10:30 am The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 pm Why Question Biblical Authority?
7:30 pm The Mystery of Ancient Man
Hinkletown Mennonite Church, 2031 Division Highway, Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522
July 14-18, 2013 VBS -- James Gardner
Sunday, July 14
9:15 AM The 7 "C's" of History
10:50 AM The Relevance of Creation
7:00 PM Righteousness: The Key to Restoring America's Lost Dream
Monday Evening, July 15
7:00 PM Should Christians Believe in Evolution?
Tuesday Evening, July 16
7:00 PM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth?
Wednesday Evening, July 17
7:00 PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Thursday Evening, July 10
7:00 PM The Fallen World
Grace Church, Answers in Genesis Event with Jim Gardner, 41 Crossroads Plaza #150
West Hartford, Connecticut 06002
June 23, 2013 -- James Gardner
9:30 AM Morning Worship: The Consequences of the Path You Choose
11:45 AM Adult SS: Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
5:30 PM Evening: The Mystery of Ancient Man
Abundant Life Church of Uniontown, Answers In Genesis Event with Jim Gardner
1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown, Pennsylvania 15401
Sunday, June 2, 2013
09:00 AM The Relevance of Creation
10:45 AM Why Question Biblical Authority?
02:00 PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
03:30 PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
04:30 PM Questions and Answers
Sloantown Community Church, 202 Halo Drive, Duffield, Virginia
Sunday, May 26, 2013
11:00 AM Dinosaurs and the Flood, Dr. Alan White
Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner, Calvary Baptist Church
1615 Old Spanish Trail, Slidell, Louisiana 70458
May 4-6, 2013
Saturday Evening, May 4, 2013
6:00 PM 1st Session - Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, May 5, 2013
9:30 AM 2nd Session - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM 3rd Session - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
4:45 PM 4th Session - The Mystery of Ancient Man
6:00 PM 5th Session - Why Question Biblical Authority?
Monday, May 6, 2013
AM School Session - Dinosaurs and Dragons
Stones River Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner
361 Sam Ridley Pkwy E., Smyrna, Tennessee 37617
April 27-28, 2013
Saturday Evening, April 27, 2013
6:00 PM 1st Session - Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, April 28, 2013
9:15 AM 2nd Session - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
10:30 AM 3rd Session - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
4:30 PM 4th Session - The Mystery of Ancient Man
6:00 PM 5th Session - Why Question Biblical Authority?
Discerning the Times Bible Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
April 19-21, 2013
Friday, April 19
9:00 AM -- Introduction, Ted Goodnough
9:30 AM -- Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures, James Gardner
10:45 AM -- World Conditions and the Arab Unrest, Part 1, Rob Lindsted
11:45 AM -- Lunch
1:00 PM -- Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible, David Hocking
2:15 PM -- Joel 1 and 2 - The day of the Lord in Prophecy, John Plantz
3:30 PM -- What is the true Gospel? David Hocking
4:45 PM -- The judgment of the nations in prophecy, John Plantz
5:45 PM -- Supper
7:00 PM -- Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood, James Gardner
8:15 PM -- World Conditions and the Arab Unrest, Part 2, Rob Lindsted
Saturday, April 20
8:30 AM -- Introduction, Ted Goodnough
9:00 AM -- Joel 3:17-21 The Millennial blessing in Prophecy, John Plantz
10:15 AM -- Why did God Judge Israel? David Hocking
11:30 AM -- The mystery of ancient man, James Gardner
12:30 PM -- Lunch
1:45 PM -- Missions: Just what the world needs, Rob Lindsted
3:00 PM -- How to be ready for the coming of the LORD! David Hocking
4:15 PM -- The consequences of the path you choose, James Gardner
5:30 PM -- The quest for Jerusalem & the land of Israel, Rob Lindsted
Winfield First Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Conference, 3007 Highway 47, Winfield, Missouri 63389
April 13-14, 2013 - James Gardner
Saturday, April 13
5:30 – 8:30 PM - Aliens, UFO’s and Incredible Creatures
Question and Answer Session for Youth
Sunday, April 14
9:15 AM - Dinosaurs and Dragons – Fact or Myth?
10:30 AM - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
5:30 PM – Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
7:00 PM – The Mystery of Ancient man
Vansant Baptist, Answers In Genesis Event with James Gardner
1471 Lovers Gap Road, Vansant, Virginia 24656
April 6-7, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 7:00 PM - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
Sunday, April 7
9:30 AM - Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
11:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM - The Relevance of Creation
Answers Conference with James Gardner, Carson Springs Baptist Church
10 Thad Road, Sandy Hook, Mississippi 39478
March 23-25, 2013
Saturday, 6:30 PM - Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
09:45 AM - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
04:30 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
05:45 PM - The Mystery of Ancient Man
Monday, 7:00 PM - The Relevance of Creation
Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner, First Congregational Church
13 Church Road (Route 169), Pomfret Center, Connecticut 06259
Saturday, March 16, 2013
9:00 AM The Fallen World
10:30 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
12:00 PM Lunch (will be served at the church)
1:00 PM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth?
2:30 PM The Fossils, Grand Canyon, and the Flood
Sunday, March 17, 2013
9:15 AM Aliens, UFO’s and Incredible Creatures
10:30 AM The Relevance of Creation
Answers In Genesis Event with James Gardner and Dr. Alan White, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
3385 Roan Creek Road, Mountain City, TN 38673
March 10-13, 2013
9:00 & 11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose - James Gardner
6:00 PM The Heavens Declare the Glory of God - Dr. Alan White
7:00 PM The Relevance of Creation - James Gardner
7:00 PM Created in the Image of God - Dr. Alan White
7:00 PM Righteousness - The Key to Reclaiming America's Godly Heritage - James Gardner
Cornerstone Church, Answers In Genesis Event with James Gardner, 245 Southland Drive, Americus, Georgia
Saturday, February 23, 2013
6:30 PM Family Event Topic: Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
09:00 AM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
06:00 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man!
07:00 PM What IS Truth?
Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner, First Baptist Church, 102 3rd St, Port St.Joe, Florida
Saturday, February 16, 2013
6:00 PM 1st Session - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, February 17, 2013
9:45 AM 2nd Session - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM 3rd Session - The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
4:45 PM 4th Session - Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:00 PM 5th Session - The Mystery of Ancient Man!
Grace Bible Baptist Church, Creation Apologetics Conference, Biblical Authority and Creation Science
Joint Answers In Genesis & Canopy Ministries Event, 1703 Lewis Road, Leesburg, Florida 34748
January 26-27, 2013 - James Gardner and Alan White
9:30AM The Relevance of Creation - Gardner
Why is Genesis and creation so important? What the Gospel is and how we fail to realize we need to begin our evangelistic efforts like Paul did in Acts 17 by teaching the 7 C’s of history.
9:30AM All Things Created by God-Visible & Invisible - White
The human body is marvelously designed. Each part works perfectly with all others. Even the particles are specifically designed. Believe it or not you are mostly made of quarks!
10:50AM Fossils, Grand Canyon, the Global Flood - Gardner
Is the fossil record evidence for evolution? Where do fossils come from-how do they form? Does radiometric dating prove the earth billions of years old? How did Grand Canyon form?
10:50AM Global Warming- Is It Time to Panic? - White
The media and politicians trumpet that catastrophes are coming due to global
warming. The earth’s climate history tells a different story! Which do we believe?
9:15AM Aliens, UFO’s, Incredible Creatures - Gardner
Is interstellar space travel really possible? What about space travel at the speed of light? What are the physics involved? Are UFO's real and if so, what are they?
9:15AM The Heavens Declare the Glory of God! - White
The size of the universe gives us a glimpse of God’s eternal power and divine nature. How stars work and how unlikely the could have been formed by random processes.
10:30AM Consequences of the Path You Choose - Gardner
There are two worldviews. You can believe either one, but there are consequences that come with the choice you make. Few understand that evolution is really a faith based belief system that teaches that man is god.
6:00PM Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth? - Gardner
When and where and did they come from? When did they die out and become extinct? What caused the extinction? Does the Bible discuss these great beasts?
6:00PM Created in the Image of God! - White
Could human life be the result of the random organization of chemicals or did God create us in His image? Evolution is unlikely because we have the handprint of God’s design on us.
Highland Baptist Church, 300 Highland Church Rd, Johnson City, Tennessee
Sunday, January 20, 2013 - Alan White
6:00 PM The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
First Baptist Church of Gate City, 248 East Jackson St., Gate City, Virginia 24251
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - Alan White
6:45 PM You Can Trust the Science in the Bible
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - Alan White
6:45 PM Dinosaurs and the Age of the Earth
First Baptist Church, Main Street, Mountain City, Tennessee
Sunday, January 13, 2013 - James Gardner
8:30 AM, 10:30 AM The Relevance of Creation