Mission Statement

CANOPY MINISTRIES, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, non-denominational, evangelical, charitable, educational organization. 


Our mission is to participate in the Great Commission given to the Church by our Lord Jesus Christ, by actively teaching Biblical truth to the next generation. 


  • To conduct seminars that teach the truth about the origin of the cosmos as revealed in the Holy Bible and thereby to support and defend the authority of the Scriptures beginning with the very first verse.
  • Hold teaching seminars in churches, schools, youth groups, clubs, camps, colleges, universities, private homes, and any other venue that extends an invitation, including international invitations. 
  • Support other non-profit and like minded organizations such as The Institute for Creation Research and Answers In Genesis by supplying speakers, financial support, and promoting the educational effort and teaching tours of such organizations. 
  • Support and equip other individuals that demonstrate a valid call into this ministry; by prayer, training, equipment, financial, and other means as resources become available. 
  • In addition to these other objectives, the organization is authorized to conduct schools, retreats, and other ministries that further the Gospel as funds and support are available.

© Canopy Ministries 2024