Sunday, November 22, 2015
Answers Revival with James Gardner
Mary Elizabeth Baptist Church
3703 Mary Elizabeth Road
Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
Contact: Pastor Curtis Laney, 704-219-7031
9:30AM Dinosaurs and Dragons - A fact or a myth?
11:00AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
12:30PM Dinner on the grounds
1:45PM Fossils, Grand Canyon, and the Global Flood
3:00PM Why Question Biblical Authority?
Saturday-Sunday, November 14-15, 2015
NOW Ministries Presents Creation/Apologetics Weekend II
East Sanford Baptist Church, 300 North Avenue, Sanford, North Carolina
Contact: 919-776-3241
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday, November 14, 2015
9:00AM Praise and worship music
9:15AM The Relevance of Creation - About 45 Minutes – This is an excellent lead off message since it deals with the compromise that Churches and individual Christians have made with the evolutionary world view. Using the text from Acts chapter 2 and Act chapter 17, it compares the two powerful sermons that Peter and Paul preached to two very different groups. This message also deals with the issue of what the Gospel is and how we are failing to realize that we need to begin our evangelistic efforts like Paul did in Acts 17 by teaching the 7 C’s of history. Why is Genesis and creation so important? You can’t get them saved unless you first get them to see that they are lost. How do you do that? You connect them to Adam. (This is a very powerful presentation.)
10:15AM Break (Refreshments provided)
10:40AM Praise and worship music
10:45AM The 7 “C’s” of History - about 63 minutes - This presentation covers the perfect “CREATION” that was created by God that was “CORRUPTED” by man’s sin of disobedience. It covers the resulting rapid decent into unmitigated violence until God finally judged the world with the “CATASTROPHE” of a global flood destroying the entire surface of the planet. It briefly explains the continued rebellion of mankind resulting in the “CONFUSION” of languages at Babel. Finally it finishes with the coming of the “CREATOR” into this world as a man, and the voluntary subjection to death on a “CROSS” for the redemption of fallen mankind and the entire creation, and covers the glorious hope of the coming “CONSUMMATION.”
11:50PM Lunch provided in fellowship hall downstairs
12:50PM Praise and worship music
1:00PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Flood - About 60 minutes - This message deals with the 3rd “C”, the Catastrophe, and attempts to bring the listener to an understanding of just how catastrophic the breaking up of the fountain of the great deep really was. It does so by asking and answering four questions. Is evolution true science while creation is just religion? Is the fossil record evidence for evolution? Where do fossils come from and how do they form? Does it really matter if the flood was local or global? How long it takes to make a fossil, coal, and oil are also discussed. The talk finishes up with a discussion of how Grand Canyon formed by presenting Dr. Steve Austin’s breached dam explanation of canyon formation.
2:00PM Break (Refreshments provided)
2:20PM Praise and worship music
2:30PM ONE BLOOD – The Biblical answer to Racism - About 45 minutes – (the most requested topic overseas) This deals again with the 4th “C”, the Confusion, by using genetics and showing that we are indeed “ONE BLOOD.” We discuss natural selection and the fact that creationists don’t have a problem with natural selection. We call it variation within a kind. It also deals with two long held church myths; the alleged curse on Ham, and what real interracial marriage is. This deals also with “skin color”, slanted eyes, and other genetic variations within the human kind.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
9:45AM (Sunday School) What is Truth? - About 50 Minutes – This topic deals with the two world views. Humanism and it’s foundation of evolution and atheism, and Biblical Christianity and it’s foundation on revealed truth as it deals with origins in the Genesis creation account. The presentation deals with the five tenets of the Humanist Manifesto and how our public education system has been taken over by the Humanists. This talk also deals with the results of following the humanist religion and how we are now reaping what we have sown for the past 70 odd years since John Dewey signed the “Manifesto” in 1932. It also offers solutions to the education system problems of poor discipline and general lawlessness in our public schools. It finishes with the fact that truth is embodied in the person of Jesus Christ.
10:50AM (Worship Service) RIGHTEOUSNESS; THE KEY TO RESTORING AMERICA'S LOST DREAM - about 55 minutes - This topic deals with the myth of separation of church and state, the Biblical basis the country was founded upon and the twin pillars of George Washington; Religion and Morality. Using quotes from Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Congress, it shows the Biblical foundation of our Founding Fathers and how far we have moved away from it. It also points out the fallacy of a classic evolutionist argument: Evolution is science, but Creation is religion. It uses quotes by evolutionists themselves acknowledging that evolution is a faith based belief system. It finishes with a presentation of the Gospel.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Answers Conference with James Gardner
Covenant United Reformed Church
24599 Hwy 264 E
Pantego, North Carolina 27860
Contact: 252-943-2002
9:00 Introduction, singing
9:20 Aliens, UFO’s, Incredible Creatures
10:15 Questions
10:30 Snack/Break
10:50 The Consequences of the Path You Choose
11:45 Questions/Prayer for lunch
12:00 lunch
1:00 Singing
1:20 Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Flood
2:20 Questions
2:35 Snack/Break
2:55 One Blood- The Biblical Answer to Racism
3:40 Questions
October 23-25, 2015
Creation Conference Community Event with James Gardner
Juniata County, Pennsylvania
First Baptist Church of Juniata County, 717-436-9261
Niemonds Independent Church, 717-694-3700
Event Locations:
East Juniata High School, 32944 Rt. 35, McAlisterville, PA 17049
First Baptist of Juniata County, 23964 Rt. 35 N, Mifflintown, PA 17059
Niemonds Independent Church, 36964 Rt. 35 S, Richfield, PA 17086
Friday, October 23, 2015
7:00PM Aliens, UFO's & Incredible Creatures (East Juniata HS)
Saturday, October 24, 2015
3:00PM Fossils, Grand Canyon, and the Global Flood (East Juniata HS)
7:00PM The Consequences of the Path You Choose (East Juniata HS)
Sunday, October 25, 2015
8:00AM The Relevance of Creation (FBC Juniata County)
10:30AM Why Question Biblical Authority? (Niemonds Independent Church)
3:00PM The Mystery of Ancient Man (East Juniata HS)
7:00PM Dinosaurs and Dragons: Fact or Myth? (East Juniata HS)
———————————————————————————————————October 2-4, 2015
Answers Conference with Jim Gardner
Tottenville Evangelical Free Church
266 Wood Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10307
Contact: Paul Weberg, 718-317-1888
Friday, October 2, 2015
07:30PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Flood
Saturday, October 3, 2015
06:00PM How Do We Know the Bible is True? (Location: Bethal EV Free, 4550 Amboy Rd.)
Sunday October 4, 2015
06:00PM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Are they a fact or a myth?
———————————————————————————————————September 26-27, 2015
Answers Conference with Jim Gardner
1305 Hulsey Rd., Carthage, North Carolina 28327
Contact: Daniel Sims, 910-947-1412
Saturday September 26, 2015
04:30PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
05:30PM Covered dish dinner
07:00PM Why Question Biblical Authority?
Sunday September 27, 2015
09:00AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Are they a fact or a myth?
10:30AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
12:00PM Covered dish lunch
01:30PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Flood
03:15PM The Mystery of Ancient Man!
04:00PM Questions and Answers
August 8-11, 2015
Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner
610 Republican Rd., Clarkes Hill, South Carolina 29821
Saturday, August 8, 2015
6:30PM YOUTH EVENT: Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, August 9, 2015
09:30AM Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth??
11:00AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
06:00PM The Relevance of Creation
07:30PM How Do We Know the Bible is True?
Monday, August 10, 2015
06:00PM The Mystery of Ancient Man
07:30PM One Blood - The Biblical Answer to Racism
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
06:00PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
07:45PM Questions and Answers
July 31 - August 2, 2015
Creation Family Campout, Cherokee Cove Family Camp
290 Cove Camp Private Drive, Mountain City, Tennessee 37683
Speakers: James Gardner, Alan White, James Denton
June 16 - July 30, 2015
Creation, Evolution, Science and the Bible Student Leadership Training
Doe River Gorge Christian Camp
Hampton, Tennessee
12 Lectures:
Why Question Biblical Authority?, Relevance of Creation -- James Gardner
Relevance of Creation, The Heaven Declare the Glory of God -- Alan White
Evidence Refuting Evolution from Geology and Biology -- Steve Falling
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Greenville Baptist Church
Gray, Tennessee
Contact: Travis Shaffer
Speaker: Alan White
11:00 AM Dinosaurs
June 13-14, 2015
Answers in Genesis Conference
1195 Stetson Rd., Exeter, Maine 04435
Contact: Stan Griffin Senior Pastor; Mark Arnold Assoc. Pastor, 207-379 4343
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday, June 13, 2015
4:30PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures?
5:30PM Dinner
7:00PM What Is Truth?
Sunday, June 14, 2015
SS Hour 8:30AM Adversaries - The Rebels in The Garden
Worship 10:00AM The Consequences od the Path You Choose!
Evening 6:00PM How Do We know The Bible is True?
June 1-6, 2015
Biblical Worldview Student Conference
Milligan College
Johnson City, Tennessee
Speakers: James Gardner (Canopy Ministries), Christopher Strevel, Bill Potter, Anthony Rogers, Johns Hodges
May 22-23, 2015
Answers in Genesis Event
Iglesia Aliento de Vida
103-24 Roosevelt Ave., 3rd Floor - Suite 301, Corona, New York
Friday, May 22
6:30pm-7:30pm Big Bang or Genesis 1 Joe Owen
8:00pm-9:00pm The Heavens Declare the Glory of God Alan White
Saturday, May 23
10:00am-11:15am How Do We Know that Adam and Eve were Historical Figures? David Casas
11:30am-12:45pm The Design of the Human Body Alan White
5:00pm-6:00pm How Do We know that the Patriarch Record in Genesis is Trustworthy? David Casas
6:30pm-7:30pm DNA, Instructions for Life Alan White
8:00pm-9:00pm Six Days or Millions of Years Joe Owen
February 23 - May 8, 2015
Weekly Small Group Creation/Evolution/Apologetics Teaching
Doe River Gorge Christian Camp
Hampton, Tennessee
Speakers: Gardner, White, Falling, Denton
April 30-May 3, 2015
Second Italian Creation Congress
Pure Chance or Divine Will?
Expositors: Alan White and Steve Ham (AiG); Translator -- Leigh Pennington
Preliminary Schedule
Thursday, April 30
5:00 PM Committee Meeting with Steve Ham and Alan White
7:30 PM Dinner
9:00 PM Evening Meeting/ Introduction /information for Italian participants
J. Hunziker: Welcome and thanks
Cicerale: Presentation of creation efforts in Italy over the last 12 months
Friday, May 1
09:30 AM Meditation – ( Elia Manduzio – Vice President - CBI)
10:00 AM Steve Ham – “Dinosaurs”
11:15 AM Break
11:30 AM Dr. Alan White – “DNA: The Divine Instruction Book of Life”
4:00 PM Steve Ham – “Races”
5:15 PM Break
5:30 PM Update on the Creation Museum / Noah's Ark Project - Steve Ham
7:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Q & A
9:30 PM New Italian Books /Materials on Creationism M. De Vivo)
Saturday, May 2
9:30 AM Meditation – (Joe Hunziker)
10:00 AM Dr. Alan White – “The Origin of Life: Natural or Supernatural?”
11:15 AM Break
11:30 AM Antonio Cicerale - “His Invisible Perfections: A Message From Creation”
1:00 PM Lunch
4:00 PM Presentation of Italian Informational/Formational Project for Italian Evangelical Churches: Presentation of 4 AIG booklets – Tonino Cicerale
5:00 PM Break
5:15 PM Dr. Alan White – “Does Evolution Through Mutations and Natural Selection Really Make Sense?”
7:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Q&A
9:30 PM Video Conference with Ken Ham (10 -15 minutes) Leigh Pennington
Sunday, May 3
9:15 AM Worship Service. (mediatation - Leigh)
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Steve Ham "Science and Faith"
11:30 AM General Information & Communication from the Committee) (Tonino Cicerale)
Legal information part (Giuliano Palma)
Final parting thoughts and thanks to all participants: (J. Hunziker)
12:00 PM Group Photos
1:00 PM Lunch and departure for participants
5:00 PM Informal Meeting with Steve and Alan with the CBI Italian Committee
May 2-3, 2015
Answers Conference with James Gardner
3072 Savannah East Road
Lewes, Delaware 19958
Contact: Pastor Robert Dekker, 302-644-6800
Saturday, May 2
2:30PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
3:30PM Break
4:00PM Cellular Complexity-Evidence of Creation, Dr. S. Falling
5:00PM Dinner Break
6:00PM AiG DVD
7:00PM How Do We Know the Bible is True?
Sunday, May 3
9:00AM Adversaries-The Rebels in the Garden
10:30AM The Relevance of Creation
April 16-18, 2015
Discerning the Times Bible Conference
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Ramada Hotel, 806 Idylwyld Drive North, Saskatoon Sk S7L 0Z6
Canopy Speaker: James Gardner
Friday, April 17
8:45 am Kevin Hepburn, Introduction
9:00 am James Gardner, “As was in the Days of Noah”
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Dr. David Reagan, “America’s Spiritual Crisis”
11:15 pm Break
11:30 pm Carl Teichrib, “Babel to Babel - Asserting Oneness”
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Roger Oakland, “The New Evangelization and The Eucharistic Jesus”
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm James Gardner, “How do we know the Bible is really True?”
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm David Reagan, “Spiritual Signs of End Times”
5:30 pm Supper
6:45 pm Trevor Baker, in Song
7:15 pm Carl Teichrib, “Is God Green?”
8:15 pm Break
8:30 pm Roger Oakland, “The coming one world Religion for Peace”
Saturday, April 18
8:30 am Kevin Hepburn, Introduction
8:45 am Carl Teichrib, “Evolutionary Culture Celebrating Transformation”
9:45 am Break
10:00 am David Reagan, “Deception and Confusion about the Return of Jesus?”
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Roger Oakland, “Faith Undone - Part One”
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Trevor Baker, in Song
2:00 pm James Gardner, “Why Question Biblical Authority?”
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm David Reagan, “The Wars of the End Times”
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm James Gardner, “Righteousness - The Key to Restoring a Biblical Worldview!”
5:15 pm Break
5:30 pm Roger Oakland, “Faith Undone - Part Two”
6:30 pm Wrap Up
April 10-12, 2015
Answers Conference
Red Branch Baptist Church
1748 Old River Road
Carthage, North Carolina 28327
Contact: Kerry Alzner, 910-947-1974
Speaker: James Gardner
Friday, April 10
6:30PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures (55 min)
7:30PM Break
7:45PM One Blood-The Biblical Answer to Racism (45 min)
Saturday, April 11
08:45AM Coffee
09:00AM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth? (70 minutes)
10:15AM Coffee
10:45AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose! (60 min)
12:00 noon Lunch
01:15PM Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood (65 min)
02:30PM Break
03:00PM What Is Truth? (45 min)
04:00PM Questions and answers
Sunday, April 12
09:30AM The Relevance of Creation! (45 min)
11:00AM Why Question Biblical Authority? (50 min)
02:00PM How Do We Know the Bible is True? (60 min)
March 28-29, 2015
Answers In Genesis Conference with James Gardner
3007 Highway 47, Winfield, Missouri 63389
Contact: Pastor Michael Ryan, 636-668-8138
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday, March 28
5:00PM The Relevance of Creation
6:00PM Break
6:30PM How Do We Know The Bible Is True?
Sunday, March 29
10:30AM Why Question Biblical Authority?
5:30PM One Blood - The Biblical Answer to Racism
6:30PM Break
7:00PM Adversaries - The Rebels in The Garden
February 28 - March 1, 2015
Answers In Genesis Conference
Faith Evangelical Bible Church
740 South Main St.
Henderson, Nebraska 68371
Contact: Jared, 402-723-5888
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday, February 28
3:30 Fossils Grand Canyon and the Flood
4:30 Break
5:00 Dinosaurs and Dragons
6:00 Snack Break
7:00 Consequences of the Path you Choose
Sunday, March 1
9:30 The Relevance of Creation
10:30 Righteousness
5:30 Mystery of Ancient Man
6:15 Break
6:45 One Blood
January 24-25, 2015
Answers In Genesis Conference
4013 New Town Road
Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
Contact: Pastor Rich Myers, 704-283-6419
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday January 24
5:30PM Join us for dinner
6:45PM Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Sunday January 25
09:00AM Dinosaurs and Dragons-Fact or Myth?
10:15AM Coffee
10:45AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
04:30PM The Mystery of Ancient Man
05:15PM Break
05:45PM Why Question Biblical Authority?