2009 Past Events

GreenPark Community Church, Answers In Genesis Event, St Louis, Missouri

Sunday, November  29, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
10:34 AM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?
12:00 Noon Lunch on the Grounds
1:30 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man]
2:45 PM What Is Truth?

Monday, November  30, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - A Fact or a Myth?
10:45 AM Aliens, UFO's & Incredible Creatures

Emmanuel Church, Answers In Genesis Event, Egg Harbor City, New Jersey
Sunday, November 22, 2009 – James Gardner
10:45 AM Service - What Is Truth?
  6:30 PM Service - Six Days or Millions of Years?

Pilgrim Academy, Answers In Genesis Conference. Egg Harbor City, New Jersey
Saturday, November 21, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM  The Consequences of the Path You Choose
10:45 AM  Dinosaurs & Dragons - A Fact or a Myth?
12:00 noon Lunch
  1:00 PM  Fossils, Grand Canyon & the Global Flood
  2:15 PM  The Mystery of Ancient Man

Binghamtown Baptist Church, Canopy Ministries Event, Middlesboro, Kentucky
Sunday, November 15, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM The Fallen World
10:45 AM The Relevance of Creation
6:00 PM  Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood

Rochester Central Lutheran School, Answers in Genesis Event, Rochester, Minnesota
Monday AM, November 9, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth

Redeemer Lutheran Church, Answers In Genesis Event, Rochester, Minnesota
Sunday PM, November  8, 2009 – James Gardner
6:00-7:00 PM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
7:30-8:30 PM Aliens, UFO's, & Incredible Creatures?

Nowthen Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, Canopy Ministries Event
Nowthen, Minnesota (North West Minneapolis)
Sunday AM, November 8, 2009 – James Gardner
8:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
9:45 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - A Fact or a Myth? 
11:00 AM  The Consequences of the Path You Choose

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Canopy Ministries Event, Morganton, North Carolina
Sunday, November 1, 2009 – James Gardner
  9:30  AM  Dinosaurs & Dragons - A Fact or a Myth?
10:30  AM  The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
  6:00  PM  The Mystery of Ancient Man!
  7:30  PM  Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures!
9:00 PM Special Youth Q&A

Christ's Church in Bowling Green, Answers In Genesis Event, Bowling Green, Ohio
Saturday-Sunday - October, 10-11, 2009 – James Gardner
Saturday 8:00PM - Youth Bash - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Sunday - 9:45 - Dinosaurs & Dragons; Fact or Myth?
Sunday - 11:00 - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
Sunday - 12:30 - Dinner on the Grounds
Sunday -  1:30 - Why Compromise Biblical Authority - Six Days or Millions of Years?
Sunday -  2:30 - The Mystery of Ancient Man

Answers In Genesis Conference, Faith Baptist Church, Orono, Maine
Saturday, October 3 -  James Gardner
  9:30 AM The Relevance of Creation!
10:30 AM BREAK
10:45 AM Six Days or Millions of Years? Why Compromise?
12:00 AM   LUNCH
  1:30 PM   Aliens, UFO's, & Incredible Creatures!
  2:30 PM BREAK  
  2:45 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man!
  4:00 PM Questions & Answers
Sunday, October 4 -  James Gardner
  9:30 AM What Is Truth?
10:30 AM BREAK
10:45 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose!
  6:00 PM Dinosaurs & Dragons A Fact or a Myth?

Kingsway Baptist Church, Lake Wylie, South Carolina
Sunday, September 27, 2009 -  James Gardner
 10:30 AM Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures!
11:00 AM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?
12:15 PM Lunch
2:00 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man!

Trinity Baptist Church, Jonesborough, Tennessee
Sunday, September 20, 2009
8:30 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose - James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth? - James Gardner
10:45 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose -  James Gardner
5:00 PM How Did Life Begin? - Alan White, Ph.D.
6:30 PM Why Compromise Biblical Authority? - James Gardner
7:30 PM  High School & College Question & Answer Session

Smith Chapel, Union Grove, North Carolina
Sunday, September 13, 2009
9:45 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth? - James Gardner
10:45 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose -  James Gardner
5:00 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man - James Gardner
6:00 PM Aliens, UFO's, & Incredible Creatures? - James Gardner

Southside Baptist Church, Hickory, North Carolina
Sunday, August 30, 2009 – James Gardner
9:00 - 9:50 AM Breakfast
10:00-10:50 AM Fossils, Grand Canyon & the Global Flood
11:00-12:15 PM The Relevance of Creation
6:30 - 7:30 PM Aliens, UFO's, & Incredible Creatures?
7:30 PM Questions and answers

Odosagih Bible Camp, Canopy Ministries Event, Machias, New York
Sunday-Friday, July 19-24, 2009 – James Gardner

Niagara Bible Conference, Answers In Genesis Event, Olcott, New York 14126
Sunday, July 12, 2009 – James Gardner
6:30 PM The Consequences of the Path You Choose

Standing in the Gap, Abundant Life Church, Answers in Genesis Event, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Sunday, May 31, 2009 – James Gardner
9:00-10:15 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons-Fact or Myth?
11:00-12:15 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
2:00- 3:15 PM What Is Truth? Creation or Evolution
3:15- 4:00 PM Q & A
5:30- 6:30 PM Youth Bash Pick-Nick
6:30- 7:30 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man
7:30- 8:00 PM Q & A

Heavenly Light Baptist Church, Canopy Ministries Event, Mountain City, Tennessee

Sunday, May 24, 2009 – James Gardner
9:45 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
7:00 PM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?

Community Bible Church, Answers In Genesis Event, Berlin, New Hampshire
Sunday, May 17, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs and Dragons- Fact or Myth
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
12:30 PM Lunch break
1:30 PM Why Compromise Biblical Authority
3:00 PM What is Truth- Is truth relative or is there such a thing as absolute truth?
Monday, May 18, 2009
6:00 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man

Concerned Women for America, Answers In Genesis Event, Oxford/Portland, Maine
Oxford Advent Christian Church, Oxford, Maine, James Gardner 
Sunday, May 10, 2009, 10:00 AM, The Mystery of Ancient Man

South Paris Baptist Church, South Paris, Maine
Sunday, May 10, 2009, 10:45 AM, The Consequences of the Path You Choose

Grace Baptist Church, South Paris, Maine 
Sunday, May 10, 2009, 6:30 PM, What Is Truth?
Public meeting at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School auditorium, South Paris, Maine.
Monday, May 11, 2009, Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth

Shepherd's Chapel, Kingsport, Tennessee
Sunday, May 3, 2009 - Alan White
"Scientific Evidence Supports the Truth of God's Word."
Did the human race really begin with just two people just a few thousand years ago?
Was there really a worldwide flood that destroyed all life on earth?
Does the Bible demonstrate a modern understanding of the human body?
Did the walls of Jericho really come tumbling down?

Shady Grove Baptist Church, Boonville, North Carolina, Answers In Genesis Event
Sunday, April 5, 2009 - James Gardner 
9:45 AM  The Fallen World
11:00 AM  The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM  Dinosaurs & Dragons-Fact or Myth?
7:30 PM  Why Compromise Biblical Authority?
Monday, April 6, 2009.  7:00 PM What Is Truth?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009.  4:00 PM Home School and Student Session - Dinosaurs & Dragons;
7:00 PM One Blood - The Biblical Answer to Racism
Wednesday,  April 8, 2009.  7:00 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man

Mossy Grove Baptist Church, Harriman, Tennessee, Canopy Ministry Event
Sunday, March 29, 2009 – James Gardner
9:45 AM Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM What is Truth?

First Baptist, Waverly, Tennessee, Answers in Genesis Event
Sunday, March 22, 2009 – James Gardner
8:30 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
9:45 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth?
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?
7:30 PM The Mystery of Ancient Man

Sunrise Community Church, Atlantic Beach, Florida, Answers in Genesis Event
Sunday, March 15, 2009 – James Gardner
9:00 AM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?
10:15 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth?
7:30 PM Fossils, Grand Canyon & the Global Flood
8:30 PM Questions & Answers

Alliance Redwoods, Occidental, California, Canopy Ministry Event
Tuesday-Thursday, March 10-12, 2009 – James Gardner

Lake Asbury Baptist Church, Green Cove Springs, Florida, Answers in Genesis Event
Saturday-Sunday, March 7-8, 2009 – James Gardner
Saturday, March 7 Special Youth Night
7:00 PM Dinosaurs & Dragons - Fact or Myth?
8:30 PM Questions, Answers, Discussions
Sunday, March 8
11:00 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM Why Compromise Biblical Authority?

First Christian Church, Starke, Florida, Answers in Genesis Event,
Sunday, March 1, 2009 – James Gardner
9:30 AM Dinosaurs & Dragons
10:45 AM The Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM What is Truth? Who Determines Truth?

Grace Fellowship Church, Kingsport, Tennessee
Tuesday, February 24, 2009; 7:00 PM Relevance of Creation – James Gardner
Tuesday, March 3, 2009; 7:00 PM Stars and Atoms: Overview of Astronomy and Inner Parts of Atoms – Alan White, PhD
Tuesday, March 10, 2009; 7:00 PM Noah's Ark – Glenn Shoaf, PhD
Tuesday, March 17, 2009; 7:00 PM Evidence from the Fossil Record – Steve Falling, PhD; Dinosaurs – Alan White. PhD
Tuesday, March 24, 2009; 7:00 PM Complexity of the Human Body – James Denton, MD
Tuesday, March 31, 2009; 7:00 PM One Blood - The Answer to Racism – Clay Brinson, DVM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009; 7:00 PM Global Warming – Glenn Shoaf, PhD; Global Warming Video segments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009; 7:00 PM How Did Life Begin, Alan White, Ph.D.

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