Sunday, October 9, 2022
Sink Valley Baptist Church
4762 Sink Valley Road, Butler, Tennessee 37640
Speaker: James Gardner
11:00 AM Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth
6:00 PM Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
Thursday-Saturday, September 29-October 1, 2022
Creation, Science and the Bible Retreat
Doe River Gorge Christian Camp
220 Doe River Gorge Rd, Hampton, Tennessee 37658
Creation/Evolution/Apologetics lectures and field trips
Teaching provided by David Rives (David Rives Ministries),
Dr. Charles Jackson (Points of Origins Ministries),
Dr. Jobe Martin (Biblical Discipleship Ministries) and
live animal demonstrations by Michael Maughon (Genesis Animal Sanctuary)
The registration cost of $169 ($119 for ages 6 - 11) includes meals, snacks, coffee breaks, lodging, train ride, activities and lectures. Meals include Thursday dinner, Friday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Saturday breakfast and lunch. Lodging is in modern rooms with ten bunkbeds and private bathrooms. Please note that the lodging will be organized by participants’ gender and age with possible exceptions for larger families staying together if space is available. A few cabins, boxcars and RV spaces are also available (please call for price and availability).
The cost for retreat attendees living nearby and commuting is $119 ($79 for ages 6 - 11) for all the meals, snacks, coffee breaks, train ride, activities and lectures.
For more information or to register, please call or visit the retreat website:
220 Doe River Gorge Road, Hampton, TN 37658
Download the brochure here: Creation Retreat Brochure
Click here for videos of retreat lectures
August 2022 to May 2023
Doe River Gorge Christian Camp
220 Doe River Gorge Rd, Hampton, Tennessee 37658
Creation/Evolution/Apologetics/Bible Weekly Teaching
Teaching provided by Canopy Ministries, Geneva Institute of Christian Thought, Full Armour Ministries
Teachers: Dean Walker, John O’Roark, Steve Falling, James Gardner, Alan White, James Denton, Patrick Hines
Exponential is a nine-month, gap year residential learning experience to help young men and women discover their abilities and passions while building a foundation for their faith. Studies include Old Testament, New Testament, logic, apologetics, worldviews and scientific creationism. The lessons in the Science and the Bible curriculum are chosen to enable Christian young people to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. The focus is on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. The evidence of nature and the proper application of historical and experimental science fully support the straightforward reading of Genesis. In the area of geology and paleontology, the evidence of sedimentary rock layers and fossils provide clear evidence of the Biblical Flood and refute evolution. Teaching will also include lessons on astronomy, biology, chemistry, dinosaurs, The Ark, molecular biology, genetics, radiometric dating and archeology. Exponential includes field trips (Creation Museum and Ark Encounter), hiking, camping, kayaking, outdoor skills training, animal care, summer camp staff training, lifeguarding and much more.
Please contact Doe River Gorge Ministries for more information at 423-725-4010
Wednesday-Thursday, May 18-19, 2022
Classical Conversations Homeschool Event
Indian Springs Baptist Church
325 Hill Rd., Kingsport, Tennessee 37664
Dinosaurs and Dragons; Fossils, Evidence for the Flood
Speakers: James Gardner, Steve Falling
Wednesdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2022; 12:30pm
2623 Peoples Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604
Various creation/evolution/Bible topics
Speakers: James Gardner, Michael Maughon, Patrick Hines, James Denton, Steve Falling
Sunday, April 10, 2022
306 East Laurel Avenue, Damascus, Virginia 24236
Speaker: James Gardner
8:15 AM and 11:00 AM
“Ignoring the Curse"
Sunday, April 3, 2022
306 East Laurel Avenue, Damascus, Virginia 24236
Speaker: James Gardner
8:15 AM and 11:00 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
108 Bridwell Heights Rd, Kingsport, Tennessee 37664
6:30 PM “Fossils: Evidence of The Flood and Refuting Evolution"
Speaker: Steve Falling
Sunday, February 27, 2022
306 East Laurel Avenue, Damascus, Virginia 24236
Speaker: James Gardner
8:15 AM and 11:00 AM "Is Taking Genesis as Literal History Important?”
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
108 Bridwell Heights Rd, Kingsport, Tennessee 37664
6:30 PM "Cellular Complexity: Evidence of Creation”
Speaker: Steve Falling
Sunday, February 20, 2022
306 East Laurel Avenue, Damascus, Virginia 24236
8:15 AM and 11:00 AM "The Relevance of Creation”
Speaker: James Gardner
Saturday, Sunday - February 12-13, 2022
Faith Baptist Church
2310 16th St. N.E., Hickory, North Carolina
Saturday, February 12, 2022
6:00 PM Worldviews Have Consequences
Sunday, February 13, 2022
11:00 AM Too Many Zeros - Grand Canyon and the Flood
Speaker: James Gardner
August 2021 to May 2022
Doe River Gorge Christian Camp
Creation/Evolution/Apologetics/Bible Weekly Teaching
Teaching provided by Canopy Ministries, Geneva Institute of Christian Thought, Full Armour Ministries, David Rives Ministries, Points of Origins
Teachers: Dean Walker, John O’Roark, Steve Falling, James Gardner, Alan White, James Denton, David Rives, Charles Jackson, Patrick Hines
Exponential is a nine-month, gap year residential learning experience to help young men and women discover their abilities and passions while building a foundation for their faith. Studies include Old Testament, New Testament, logic, apologetics, worldviews and scientific creationism. The lessons in the Science and the Bible curriculum are chosen to enable Christian young people to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. The focus is on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. The evidence of nature and the proper application of historical and experimental science fully support the straightforward reading of Genesis. In the area of geology and paleontology, the evidence of sedimentary rock layers and fossils provide clear evidence of the Biblical Flood and refute evolution. Teaching will also include lessons on astronomy, biology, chemistry, dinosaurs, The Ark, molecular biology, genetics, radiometric dating and archeology. Exponential includes field trips (Creation Museum and Ark Encounter), hikes, camping, kayaking, outdoor skills training, animal care, summer camp staff training, lifeguarding and much more.
Please contact Doe River Gorge Ministries for more information at 423-725-4010