Gum Springs Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 5454 Franks Ferry Rd., Walling, Tennessee
November 26-27, 2011 – James Gardner
7:00PM Saturday evening: Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
09:30AM Sunday School hr: Dinosaurs & Dragons-Are they a fact or a myth?
10:45AM Sunday Worship: The Consequences of the path you Choose
6:00PM Sunday Night 1st: Why Question Biblical Authority?-Six Days or Millions of Years?
7:00PM Sunday Night 2nd: The Mystery of Ancient Man
Corry Alliance Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 721 Hatch Street, Corry, Pennsylvania
Contact: Pastor Blair Blakeslee, 814-664-8658
November 12-14, 2011 – James Gardner
November 12 - Saturday:
Youth event – Mall Tag and a Dinner from 1 to 5:30 pm.
Return to Corry Alliance Church and speak at 6:30 pm
Corry Alliance Church
721 Hatch Street, Corry, Pa 16407
Topic: UFO – Aliens and Incredible Creatures
November 13 - Sunday:
8 am Service: Corry Alliance Church, 721 Hatch Street, Corry, Pa 16407
Topic: Consequences of the Path you Choose
10:30 am Service: Spring Creek Congregational Church, 66 Blue Eye Road, Spring Creek, Pa 16436
Topic: Consequences of the Path you Choose
6:00 pm Service: Corry Alliance Church, 721 Hatch Street, Corry, Pa 16407
Topic: Dinosaurs and Dragons – Fact or Myth?
November 14 – Monday:
7 pm, Corry Jr. / Sr. High School
534 East Pleasant Street, Corry, Pa 16407
Topic: The Mystery of Ancient Man
Third Latin American Congress of Creationism
Canopy Ministries in Latinoamerica, Christian Biblical Church, La Molina, Lima, Peru
Organizers: Creous & Elizabeth Ramdath
November 1-3, 2011 -- Bodie Hodge, Dr. John Whitmore, Dr. Alan White, Dr. Steve Falling, Dr. Aníbal Padrón, Ps. Miguel Guimet, Creous Ramdath, Elizabeth Ramdath.
Lima, Peru lectures also at:
Christian Alliance Church in Linse, Alan White
Gutemberg School, John Whitmore
Escula Nacional de Folklore Jose Maria, Steve Falling
Richardo Palma University, Bodie Hodge and John Whitmore
San Marcos University, John Whitmore
Agraria University, Anibal Padron
National University of Engineering, Steve Falling
Universidad del Callao, Anibal Padron
La Palmas Baptist Church in Los Olivos, Alan White
Christian Alliance Church in Callao, John Whitmore
Christian Biblical Church, El Corregidor, Steve Falling
Baptist Church New Life, Anibal Padron
Christian Biblical Church, La Molina, Bodie Hodge
Cusco, Peru lectures at La Vid Church, Oct. 28-29, 2011, John Whitmore and Steve Falling
Cajamarca, Peru lectures, Oct. 28-29, 2011, Alan White, Bodie Hodge and Creous Ramdath
Canyon Springs Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event
Hayes Elementary School, 9620 W. Twain Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada
October 1-2, 2011 – James Gardner
9:00am – Session #1 - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
10:00am – Break/Book Table
10:20am – Session #2 - What Is Truth?
11:20am – Break/Book Table
11:40am – Session #3 - Dinosaurs & Dragons - A fact or a myth?
12:40am – Lunch
1:30pm – Session #4 - Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood
2:30pm – Book Table
9:00am – Session #5 - The Mystery of Ancient Man
9:50am – Break/Book Table
10:10am – Song Service
10:40am – Session #6 - Why Question Biblical Authority?
11:40am – Lunch
12:40pm – Session #7 - The Relevance of Creation
1:40pm – Q & A time
2:00pm – Book Table
Pathway College Outreach Ministry, Answers In Genesis Event, Burlington, North Carolina
September 24-28, 2011 – James Gardner
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Christian Leaders Workshop, Bible Baptist Church, 2733 Kirkwood Dr., Burlington, NC
4 p.m. What Is Truth? Why Our Kids Are Abandoning the Church
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Baptist Temple, 2224 Anthony Rd, Burlington, NC
9:30 a.m. Dinosaurs & Dragons: Are They Fact or Fiction?
10:30 a.m. Why Question Biblical Authority?
6 p.m. The Mystery of Ancient Man
First Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 300 N Yosemite St; Iowa Park, Texas
Saturday, September 10, 2011 – James Gardner
7:00 PM - Aliens, UFOs, and Incredible Creatures, Q&A
Sunday, September 11, 2011 – James Gardner
9:30 AM - Combined Sunday School, Dinosaurs & Dragons -Fact or Myth?
10:45 AM - Morning Worship Service, The Consequences of the Path you Choose
5:00 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:00 PM - The Mystery of Ancient Man
Berean Community Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 2709 Milford-Harrington Road, Milford, Delaware
September 16-18, 2011 – James Gardner
Session #1: (9:00 -10:00 am) “The Relevance of Creation: Consequences of the paths that you choose”
Break (10:00-10:30)
Session #2: (10:30-11:30) “The Relevance of Creation: What is truth?”
Lunch: (11:30-1:00)
Session #3: (1:00-2:00) “Dinosaurs and Dragons: Fact or Myth?
Break (2:00-2:30)
Session #4 (2:30-3:30) “Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Global Flood”
Sunday School #5: (9:30-10:15) “The Mystery of Ancient Man”
Sunday Morning Worship #6: (10:30-12:00) “The Relevance of Creation”
Sunday Evening #7 (6:00-7:00 pm) “Why Question Biblical Authority?”
Fordtown Fellowship, Fordtown Ruritan Club, 548 Hidden Valley Road, Kingsport, Tennessee
Sunday, August 21, 2011 -- Steve Falling
10:30 AM -- Fossils, Part 1: Compelling Evidence for The Flood; Fossils, Part 2: Where are the Transition Forms?
First Baptist Church Mountain City, Canopy Ministries Event
101 S. 2nd Street, Mountain City, Tennessee
Sunday, August 7, 2011 – James Gardner
10:30 AM The Relevance of Creation
Highland Baptist Church, 300 Highland Church Road, Johnson City, Tennessee
Sunday, July 17, 2011 – Alan White
6:00 PM - You Can Trust the Science in the Bible
Nelson Chapel Baptist Church, 2043 Forge Road, Mountain City, Tennessee
July 3, 2011 – James Gardner
7:00 PM Righteousness - The Path to Reclaiming America's Lost Dream
Lighthouse Baptist Church, 247 Kent Street, Saltville, Virginia
June 26-28, 2011 – Dr. Clay Brinson, James Gardner
Nelson Chapel Baptist Church and Watauga Baptist Bible College, Mountain City, Tennessee
Thursdays, April 7 -- June 16, 2011 -- Canopy speakers Gardner, White, Falling
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Apologetics 101 - The Genesis Connection
Grace Bible Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 153 Burlington Rd, Elmer, New Jersey
May 21-22, 2011 – James Gardner
Saturday, May 21, 2011: (6:30 PM - Young People - 7th Grade-College)
1. Conference Begins at 6:30 PM
2. Session # 1 - 6:35 PM - "Aliens, UFO's And Incredible Creatures"
3. Break - 7:30 PM - 15 minutes
4. Session # 2 - 7:45 PM - "The Mystery Of Ancient Man"
Sunday, May 22, 2011: (9:45 AM - Adult/Youth/College Sunday School)
1. Session # 3 - 9:50 AM - "The Relevance Of Creation"
2. Break - 10:45 Am - 15 minutes
3. Session # 4 - 11:20 AM - "The Consequences Of The Path You Choose"
Sunday, May 22, 2011: (6:15 PM - All Church)
1. Session # 5 - 6:30 PM - "Dinosaurs And Dragons - Fact Or Myth?"
2. Break - 7:30 PM - 15 minutes
3. Session # 6 - 7:45 PM - "What Is Truth?"
Monday, May 23, 2011: (6:30 PM - GBC Teachers & Other Church Teachers)
1. Session # 7 - 6:35 PM - AIG Sunday School Curricula Presentation - Part 1
2. Break - 7:30 PM - 15 minutes
3. Session # 8 - 7:45 PM - AIG S.S. Curricula Presentation - Part 2 - Plus Q & A
4. Conference Ends - around 8:45-9:00 PM
Fordtown Fellowship, Hidden Valley Rd, Colonial Heights, Tennessee
Sunday, May 8, 2011 -- Alan White
10:30 AM - How Did Life Begin?
Sunshine Freewill Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event
2071 James River Road, Huntington, West Virginia
Saturday, April 30, 2011 – James Gardner
Youth Activity with Pizza Dinner
4:00 - 8:00 PM - Aliens, UFOs, and Incredible Creatures, Q&A
Sunday, May 1, 2011 – James Gardner
9:45 AM - Combined Sunday School, Dinosaurs & Dragons -Fact or Myth?
10:45 AM - Morning Worship Service, The Consequences of the Path you Choose
4:00 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:00 PM - The Mystery of Ancient Man
Vardaman Street Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event
334 South Vardaman Street, Wiggins, Mississippi
Sunday, April 17, 2011 – James Gardner
4:15 PM - The Relevance of Creation
5:45 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
Monday, April 18, 2011 – James Gardner
9:15 AM - Dinosaurs & Dragons -Fact or Myth?
10:30 AM - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
North Hills Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 732 North Vardaman Street
Wiggins, Mississippi
Saturday, April 16, 2011 – James Gardner
9:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path you Choose
10:30 AM - Fossils, Grand Canyon & the Flood
11:30 AM - Lunch
1:00 PM - The Mystery of Ancient Man
Sunday, April 17, 2011 – James Gardner
11:00 AM - What Is Truth?
New Beginnings Church, Answers In Genesis Event
RR #2, Box 133A, Moatsville, West Virginia 26405
Saturday, April 9, 2011 – James Gardner
9:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path you Choose
10:30 AM - Why Question Biblical Authority
11:30 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Dinosaurs & Dragons - A fact of a Myth?
2:30 PM - Fossils, Grand Canyon and the Flood
Sunday Morning, April 10, 2011 – James Gardner
9:30 AM - One Blood - The Biblical Answer to Racism
11:00 AM - The Relevance of Creation
Evangelical Bible Church
RR 2 Box 80, Philippi, West Virginia 26416
Sunday Evening, April 10, 2011 – James Gardner
6:00 PM - The Mystery Of Ancient Man
7:30 PM - Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures
Fellowship Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 3727 Onieda Valley Road,
Emlenton, Pennsylvania, 724-867-5911
Saturday, April 2, 2011 – James Gardner
Youth Activity with Pizza Dinner
5:30 - 9:00 PM - Aliens, UFOs, and Incredible Creatures, Q&A
Sunday, April 3, 2011 – James Gardner
9:30 AM - Combined Sunday School, Dinosaurs & Dragons -Fact or Myth?
11:30 AM - Morning Worship Service, The Consequences of the Path you Choose
6:00 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
7:30 PM - The Mystery of Ancient Man
City Harvest Family Church, Answers In Genesis Event
585 Central Ave, Albany, New York 12206, 518-482-2899
Saturday, March 26, 2011 – James Gardner
10:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path you Choose
11:00 AM - Why Question Biblical Authority
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Dinosaurs & Dragons - A fact of a Myth?
2:00 PM - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, March 27, 2011 – James Gardner
11:00 AM - The Relevance of Creation
Walker's Fork Missionary Baptist Church
Fall Branch, Tennessee
Sunday, March 27, 2011 -- Steve Falling
11:00 AM -- The Relevance of Creation
Trinidad and Tobago Creation Tour, Southern Caribbean Seminars
Joint Canopy Ministries and Canopy Ministries Latinoamerica Event
March 15-22, 2011 -- James Gardner and Creous Ramdath
LifeGate Christian Center, Answers In Genesis Event
20000 NW 47th Avenue, Miami, Florida
Saturday, March 5, 2011 – James Gardner
5:30 PM Youth Session, Dinosaurs and Dragons
Sunday, March 6, 2011 – James Gardner
9:15 AM One Blood
10:20 AM The Consequences of the Path You Chose!
Cave Spring Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event
1107 Cave Spring Road, Owens Cross Roads, Alabama, 256-725-4637
Sunday, February 27, 2011 – James Gardner
9:45 AM - Dinosaurs & Dragons: Fact or Myth
11:00 AM - Consequences of the Path You Choose
5:30 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:45 PM - Fossils, Grand Canyon & Global Flood
Smethport Baptist Church, 186 Clay Bank Road, West Jefferson, North Carolina, 336-977-9787
Sunday, February 13, 2011 – James Gardner
9:45 AM - Dinosaurs & Dragons: Fact or Myth
11:00 AM - The Relevance of Creation
6:30 PM - Consequences of the Path You Choose
St Lucia, West Indies Creation Tour, Southern Caribbean Seminars
Joint Event of Canopy Ministries and Centro Creacionista Latinoamericano Canopy
February 5-12, 2011 -- Canopy speakers: Gardner, White, and Falling. Canopy Ministries Latinoamericano speakers: Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath
First Baptist Church, Answers In Genesis Event, 411 E. Franklin St., Quitman, Mississippi
Sunday, January 30, 2011 – James Gardner
9:45 AM - Dinosaurs & Dragons: Fact or Myth
11:00 AM - Consequences of the Path You Choose
5:00 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
6:15 PM - What Is Truth?
7:15 PM - Questions & Answers
Jamaica Creation Tour, Caribbean Seminars, Joint Canopy Ministries and Price Harris Ministries Event
January 21-28, 2011 -- James Gardner and Price Harris
Valley Evangelical Free Church, Answers In Genesis Event
150 Engler Blvd, Chaska, Minnesota 55318, 952-448-6144
January 15-16, 2011 – James Gardner
Saturday, January 15
7:00 PM - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, January 16
8:45 AM - Dinosaurs & Dragons: Fact or Myth
10:00 AM - Consequences of the Path You Choose
6:00 PM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
7:00 PM - Fossils, Grand Canyon & Global Flood
First Baptist Church, 409 Main Street North, Carthage, Tennessee 37030
January 8-9, 2011 – James Gardner
Saturday, January 8, 2011
6:30 PM - Aliens, UFO's, and Incredible Creatures
Sunday, January 9, 2011
8:00 AM - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
9:30 AM - Why Question Biblical Authority?
10:45 AM - The Consequences of the Path You Choose
5:30 PM - Dinosaurs and Dragons - Are They a Fact or a Myth?
6:30 PM - Questions and Answers