2021 Past Events

Thursday-Saturday, October 28–30, 2021

Creation, Science and the Bible Retreat

Doe River Gorge Christian Camp

Hampton, Tennessee

Creation/Evolution/Apologetics lectures and field trips

Teaching provided by David Rives (David Rives Ministries) and 

Dr. Charles Jackson (Points of Origins Ministries)

Live animal demonstrations by Michael Maughon

Registration cost is $149 ($119 for ages 7 - 11), which includes meals, snacks, lodging, activities, Maze of Life Fall Festival, and lectures.  Meals include Thursday dinner, Friday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Saturday breakfast. Lodging is in rooms with ten bunkbeds and private bathrooms (suitable for families or single gender groups).  A few large cabins, boxcar dorms and RV spaces are available—please inquire.

The cost for retreat attendees living nearby and commuting is $99 ($79 for ages 7 - 11) for all the meals, snacks, activities, Maze of Life Fall Festival, and lectures.  To register, please call or visit the retreat website:  

www.doerivergorge.com/creation-retreat     423-725-4010


220 Doe River Gorge Rd. Hampton, TN 37658   www.doerivergorge.com

Download retreat brochure pdf

Click here for videos of retreat lectures


October 13, 20, 27; November 3, 10, 17; 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604

Speakers: David Rives, Michael Maughon, Alan White, James Gardner


October 6, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604

The Mystery of Ancient Man - James Gardner


September 29, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604

The Message of the Fossil Record - Steve Falling, PhD


September 22, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604


September 15, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604


September 8, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604


September 1, 2021, 12:30pm

Everlan of Johnson City

2623 Peoples Street

Johnson City, Tennessee  37604


August 2021 to May 2022 

Exponential Gap Year

Doe River Gorge Christian Camp

Hampton, Tennessee

Creation/Evolution/Apologetics/Bible Weekly Teaching

Teaching provided by Canopy Ministries, Geneva Institute of Christian ThoughtFull Armour Ministries, David Rives Ministries, Points of Origins

Teachers:  Dean Walker, John O’Roark, Steve Falling, James Gardner, Alan White, James Denton, David Rives, Charles Jackson

Exponential is a nine-month, gap year residential learning experience to help young men and women discover their abilities and passions while building a foundation for their faith. Studies include Old Testament, New Testament, logic, apologetics, worldviews and scientific creationism.   The lessons in the Science and the Bible curriculum are chosen to enable Christian young people to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. The focus is on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. The evidence of nature and the proper application of historical and experimental science fully support the straightforward reading of Genesis. In the area of geology and paleontology, the evidence of sedimentary rock layers and fossils provide clear evidence of the Biblical Flood and refute evolution. Teaching will also include lessons on astronomy, biology, chemistry, dinosaurs, The Ark, molecular biology, genetics, radiometric dating and archeology.  Exponential includes field trips (Creation Museum and Ark Encounter), hikes, camping, outdoor skills training, animal care, summer camp staff training, lifeguarding and much more.

Please contact Doe River Gorge Ministries for more information at 423-725-4010


August 8-11, 2021

Sink Valley Baptist Church

4762 Sink Valley Road, Butler, Tennessee  37640

Sunday, August 8, 2021

11:00AM  Does Your Belief in Origins Really Matter? - James Gardner

   Are there consequences for believing in evolution? Are we reaping the evolutionary whirlwind?

Sunday, August 8, 2021

6:00PM  The Complexity of the Human Body - James Denton, MD

   Could Evolution possibly account for the complexity of the human body?

Monday, August 9, 2021

7:00PM  DNA-Where Did the Information Come From? - James Denton, MD

   Genetic Instructions written by God?

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

7:00PM  The Message of the Fossil Record - Steve Falling, PhD

   Fossils DO NOT provide evidence of evolution, they refute evolution.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

7:00PM  Why Question Biblical Authority? - James Gardner

   Did God say what He meant, and did He mean what He said? How do we know the Bible is True?


May 10-12, 2021

Holston Valley Baptist Church

18396 Cleveland Road, Abingdon, Virginia 24211

Pastor: Paul Ketron

Monday, May 10, 2021

7:00PM  Complexity of the Human Body - Dr. James Denton

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

7:00PM Origin of Information - Dr. James Denton

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

7:00PM  Grand Canyon and the Global Flood - James Gardner


Biblical Perspectives on Modern Scientific Discoveries

Thursday Nights Weekly, January 14, 2021 – April 1, 2021

7:00PM - 8:00PM EST

Have you ever wondered how science and religion could ever stand together?

  • Have you ever been challenged by scientific theories describing the beginning of the world?  
  • Have you ever been challenged by the creation account in Genesis in the Bible?  
  • Have you ever told a friend that the perceived conflict between science and religion is the reason you don’t believe in God?
  • Have you ever questioned what you believe about science and the Bible but didn’t know how to resolve your questions?  

Then you will be delighted by this study.  It will challenge you to think beyond yourself and your biases.  If you have unanswered questions, this is a forum to ask and find answers to shape your own worldview.  Content is appropriate for adults and children ages 11 and older.

And to top it off, the study will be taught by Dr. Alan White, a Harvard Organic Chemistry Ph.D. who is a board member and speaker for Canopy Ministries, a Research Associate with Logos Research Associates, and a speaker for Answers In Genesis.

Topic: Biblical Perspectives and Modern Scientific Discoveries

Time: Jan 14, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        Every week on Thu, until April 1, 2021, 12 occurrence(s)

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